Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Episode 0053 - Enword Christmas

Bopper stops by for a special Christmas episode to discuss the recent Duck Dynasty controversy. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Episode 0052 - Bathroom Etiquette

As we wait for the start of Monday Night Football, we talk bathroom protocol and take a call from Bobby the Brooklyn Smasher.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Episode 0048 - Celebrity Scenarios

Just TL, TS and T this week for the debut of a new what-if segment.  Plus a call-in from the new Hollywood insider. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Episode 0046 - Bopper is Back

Bopper joins TS and the crew to talk about dumb animals, as well as the similarities between geese and carp.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Episode 0045 - You Can't Call That Celebrity Birthday (Because It's Celebrity Death-day)

Train is out this week, which means bad times in the sound effects department.  Stelter takes his chair and soon after gets in a verbal altercation with Mr. Universe (not to be confused with Mr. Worldwide).

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Episode 0043 - Who the hell is Bo Dietl?

Epic round of celebrity birthday this week featuring true powerhouses.  And we try to figure out if we're supposed to know who Bo Dietl is.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Episode 0042 - Podcast Episode

This week was our 42nd episode, meaning it was time to pay Jackie Robinson a tribute.  Unfortunately, we forgot, so we talked about Toni Braxton instead. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Episode 0041 - Poetry with Bopper, ft. Olde English

Poetry with Bopper debuts this week as promised, and we also take a look at the worst Facebook posts of the week. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Episode 0040 - Episode Before Episode 41

What did we talk about this week?  I sure as hell can't remember.  Better listen to find out. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Episode 0038 - UE's 2013 NFL Preview

Lots of NFL talk this week, culminating in a ranking of the hottest quarterbacks in the NFL. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Episode 0037 - Hashtag Walczak

This week, the gang talks extreme cheapness, Animal Planet's "Too Cute," and reveals their top 5 "gayest" vegetables of all time.  Oh, and Celebrity Birthdays, of course.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Episode 0036 - Deals!

Shawn Walczak stops by for this week's episode to discuss economics, mostly revolving around fast food.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Walking Dead: Season 4 Sneak Peak

The following is a preview to season four of The Walking Dead.  Not familiar with the show?  We’ve got you covered.  Read this article from last year and you will be 100% caught up.


Season four of AMC smash-hit The Walking Dead starts up this October, which means that not long from now we’ll have brand new episodes chalk-full of zombie-induced suspense, survival-fueled intensity, and Hyundai-based product placement.  Don’t think you can wait even that long? Well fear not, because as luck would have it, I happened to come across the scripts for every episode of the new season. (“Hey, look! There are the scripts to every episode of the new season of The Walking Dead,” were my exact words.)
Not wanting to completely ruin the new season for you “walkers” out there, let me just say that the new one features all of the slow, humorless plotlines of the first three seasons, with even more moments featuring Rick muttering under his breath at people threateningly.

Yes, there is plenty of “fun” to look forward to, and I would feel selfish keeping it all to myself. So with spoiler alerts, etc. in mind, I now present to you the actual, never-before-seen script to the first episode of season four of The Walking Dead: 

The Walking Dead Season 4, Episode 1: "Zombies and Stuff" (Working Title)

Scene 1

The camera pans over a deserted country highway on a sunny summer day.  The dilapidated remains of cars and trucks litter both shoulders of the road.  The sound of an engine gradually becomes audible as a pristine, 2014 Hyundai Sante Fe Sport enters the frame.  It parks beside a scummy-looking Chevy SUV that even in its prime couldn’t dream of getting the Santa Fe’s impressive 25 mpg city/32 mpg highway.  A middle-aged white man exits the Hyundai, looks through the Chevy for supplies, finds nothing, and then returns to the Hyundai, only to find himself suddenly surrounded on all sides by zombies. 

Man:         Damn, I guess I shouldn’t have been playing my new Maroon 5 album so loudly! It attracted all these freakin’ walkers! Hard to blame me though, what with the Sante Fe’s 10-speaker 360-watt Infinity® audio system and all! 

Suddenly, shots ring out, and within seconds all of the zombies collapse to the ground next to the Hyundai.  There is a short silence, after which Rick and his crew emerge from the woods, rifles in hand. Rick has a perfect five o’clock shadow. 


Man:        Hey, thanks for saving me, you guys are pretty good shots, huh?

Carl:        When it’s convenient to the plot, sure.

Rick:       (angrily to the man, under his breath) Get the hell out of here.

Man:        Huh?

Rick:        (slightly louder this time, while raising his gun) I said you aren’t one of us.  Leave.

Man:        Sorry, I can’t understand a word you’re saying. Would you speak up?

Rick shoots the man in the head. He drops to the ground, dead.

Hershel:  (surprised) Why did you do that?

Rick:        He wasn’t a completely miserable, boring and unlikeable character like everyone else on this show…he couldn’t be trusted.

Michonne: Well, you don’t trust me either, as was made apparent about 20 million times in season three, so why don’t you just shoot me too?

Opening credits/music montage, commercial break

Scene 2
Rick stares Michonne down angrily with a glassy look in his eyes, sweat pouring off his face, mouth slightly agape. He examines her for a few seconds, then speaks under his breath in a voice that sounds like Nick Nolte with strep throat.

Rick:           (trailing off) You’re right I still don’t trust you…I think that you…(inaudible).

Michonne:   (Glares back at Rick)

Rick:         You don’t even…(slurred words)…should just…(something). (Stares irately at Michonne.)

Michonne:  (Continues glaring at Rick)

Commercial break

Scene 3

Glenn and Maggie walk out of an abandoned store with supplies, and begin loading them into their Hyundai Elantra for their trip back to the prison.

Glenn:       Hey, can I ask you something?

Maggie:     Anything.

Glenn:       We must smell really bad, right?

Maggie:     What?

Glenn:       Well, I mean, we never shower, we wear basically the same clothes day after day, and it’s summer in Georgia. We should have some serious funk going on here.  But yet, I never hear any dialogue about it, and nobody ever even gives me a look like, “whoa, has that guy even heard of deodorant?”  And I haven’t brought this up before, but I’ve never seen a single roll of toilet paper in the entire history of the show.
Glenn, sweating.

Maggie:    You’ve given this a lot of thought.

Glenn:       Also, why don’t we ever wear clothes without these serious sweat stains? You’re telling me we can scrounge food up like it’s nothing and Rick has time to sculpt that amazing facial hair, but we can’t take the time to find an abandoned JC Penney outlet so we can get some clean clothes every once in awhile? 


Glenn:       And then there are these walkers.  They can bite through pretty much anything, right?  But then we can crush their head like it’s nothing if we have to.  Shouldn’t their skull and their teeth be made up of essentially the same material?  It’s not like when they drink milk all the calcium goes to their teeth and none to their bones, right? So how is it we can jab them in the head with a Popsicle stick and kill them, but at the same time they can just bite your arm clean off? 

Maggie:    Just get in the damn Elantra.


They speed away, displaying the Elantra’s impressive, smooth acceleration.


Commercial break


Scene 4

Rick:          (breathing heavily, sweating)    (Stares)

Michonne:  (Glares)

Rick:          (Stares, breathes)


Commercial break

Scene 5

Maggie and Glenn arrive back at the prison gates.

Merle:       (with an overdone southern drawl) Not so fast thur, y’all.

Maggie:    Merle!? But you’re dead!

Merle:       (confidently) Ain’t nuthin’ can kill me.

Glenn:       No seriously, Merle.  You’re dead.  They killed you off even though you were the only remotely interesting character on the show.  You died, like, a couple episodes ago. 

Merle:       (sheepishly) I hate to say it, but if I’m being completely honest, I didn’t watch the last couple of episodes of the last season.

Glenn:       We don’t blame you. 

Andrea:     (appearing out of a shrub) Am I dead too?

Glenn:       Thankfully, yes.  You were horrible.

Andrea:     Not as bad as Lori, though.  Right?

Glenn:       Oh, geez, no. No. Not THAT bad. 

Commercial break
A commercial for this could air during the break, who knows?


Scene 6


Beth and Herschel are walking through the woods, unarmed. 


(EDITOR’S NOTE: Come up with good reason for the guy missing a leg and the 17-year-old girl to walk through the woods by themselves unarmed before shooting this episode.)


Hershel:    You will notice that I am not keeping up with you very well since I am on crutches after losing my leg in that freak zombie attack awhile back.

Beth:        That was an oddly specific non-sequitur, but, yeah, you should probably feel good about just being alive in the first place.

Hershel:    Well I’m sort of peeved by it actually, on account of in the entire history of this show there has only been one zombie I have ever seen, like, play dead, and it just so happened to be the one that bit my leg when I walked past it unsuspectingly.

Beth:         Yeah that really didn’t make sense, but get over it; it was like a full season ago. Besides, we chopped your leg off without the use of any antibiotics or surgical tools and you survived without any infection or anything. 

Hershel:   Good point.   Uh oh, here come some zombies. 

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Beth and Hershel need to get pinned under a heavy object here, somehow.)

Beth and Hershel end up pinned under a large branch, or something, with dozens of zombies moving in on them. There is no way they will make it out alive.

Commercial Break

Scene 7

They make it out alive.  At the last second, Hershel frees himself from the branch. He then uses his crutch to easily and effortlessly collapse the skulls of the approaching zombies like plastic Easter eggs getting run over by a Hyundai Sonata. 


Hershel:       That was a close one.


Scene 8


Michonne is glaring at Rick while Rick stares intensely back at Michonne.  Suddenly the Governor appears.

The Governor:  Well lookee who we have here.  Just who I wanted to see.

Rick:         (turning from Michonne to the Governor) (breathing heavily, sweating) (under his breath) One false move, Governor… and I swear I’ll… (stares at the Governor)

The Governor:   (Leers at Rick)

Michonne:         (Glares at the Governor)

The Governor:   (Leers at Michonne)

Rick:         (Stares at Michonne, then the Governor, then back at Michonne again, breathing hard, sweating)


Commercial break

(Applause from in-studio audience who apparently have no lives)

Chris Hardwick: (way, way too excitedly) Next, on Talking Dead, we discuss what Rick was thinking about when he was staring at Michonne, why Michonne gave The Governor that dirty look, and we also recap that miraculous escape by Hershel and Beth earlier in the episode. I thought they were done for! Haha! 

Later, we’ll sit down for an exclusive interview: we’ve got the janitor who empties the trash cans in Andrew Lincoln’s trailer, in studio!  All part of brand new episode of Talking Dead, easily one of the most pathetic shows ever made.

I mean seriously, it’s a television show devoted to breaking down another television show. It’s sad really. I have talent; what am I doing hosting this? I really need to take a step back and reexamine my life. But first, I gotta watch the thrilling conclusion to this week’s The Walking Dead.


End commercial break

Scene 9

The Governor is leering at both Rick and Michonne.  Suddenly he pulls out a revolver and points it directly at Rick.  Michonne slowly reaches for her sword, without breaking eye contact, obviously, but doesn’t make a move.  Rick doubles down on his staring, and begins to breath even harder, apparently believing that it’s possible to literally stare bullets through someone. 

The Governor: (squeezing the trigger) I told you not to mess with me, Rick…

As the Governor’s bullet converges on Rick’s orbital socket, we suddenly hear the roar of an engine, and a self-propelled 2014 Hyundai Genesis Coupe darts in between the two, deflecting the bullet deep into the woods, where it kills an innocent extra.  Rick and Michonne jump in the car and speed off, leaving The Governor fuming on the road behind. 

Rick:         (breathing heavily, sweating, staring down the dashboard of the Hyundai)  (under his breath) …Thanks… but I don’t trust you.  I don’t care that you have a 348-horse power 3.8 liter turbo V6 engine.  Or that you have a sport-tuned suspension and available Bremo® brakes.  And I don’t even care that you start at an incredibly affordable $24,250 MSRP with options shown; I still don’t trust you. When we get back to the prison you can stay the night, but you have to leave first thing in the morning…

Hyundai Genesis Coupe:  Vrroom.


End credits


Monday, August 12, 2013

Episode 0035 - Introducing the Sony Xperia Z

This week, we welcome Kevin "Rook" Steffen to the show to talk about music and his cool demeanor.  Later, the rookie also tries his hand at a round of Yahoo! You Sound Like an Idiot.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Episode 0034 - Who Invited Stelter?

For some reason Stelter is back as guest again this week. So we tried to keep it short.  After discussing the Russian invasion and reviewing celebrity birthdays, we debut new segment Yahoo!!-You Sounds Like an Idiot, and then kill time with some bad impressions. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Episode 0033 - What the F Did They Just Sing?

This week "Coach" Kyle Stelter stops by to discuss pizza and Packers training camp, and to take part in the much-anticipated debut of WTF Did They Just Sing?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Episode 0032 - Fawn-doe-rosa

Special guest Snakeo stops by along with Bopper to yell about petting zoos and much, much more.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Episode 0031 - Nelly Cougar Mellencamp

In ep 31, we discuss Adam Sandler's greatest hits, slurring singers, and how much soda you can consume in a day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Episode 0030 - Grades by the Lyrics Professor - Artist: Train

No guest this week, since we didn't want to distract from the work at hand: breaking down lyrics by the band Train.  We did have to mention Sharknado, also.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Episode 0029 - Episode 30

Michigan Jones is in this week to talk about why white people can't clap in rhythm, to compare and contrast Paul Bunyan and Ronald McDonald, and to explain the science behind UV-protection shirts. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Episode 0028 - Lists We Stole from the Internet

This week we recite online lists verbatim, and Stelter is back and rocking a tank top.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Episode 0027 - Live from Pea Soup Days, Part II

This week we play the rest of our live podcast from Somerset.  But first, we read some jokes with the help of a caller. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Episode 0026 - Live, from Pea Soup Days, Part 1 of 2

Stelter is in to help introduce the first part of a largely unintelligible podcast recorded at this weekend's Pea Soup Days in Somerset, Wisconsin. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Episode 0025 - Twitter Trivia with "Coach" Kyle Stelter

Stelts is in to take guesses at some celebrity tweets in a round of Twitter Trivia.  But before that, there is a surprise call-in from an A-list celebrity. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Episode 0024 - Bad Superhero Movies

A lazy episode this week, as the gang plus TS discuss online lists regarding the biggest busts in recent movie history and then the worst superhero flicks of the past ten years.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Episode 0023 - Hated Movies We Like, with Bopper and Dirt

Bopper and Dirt drop in this week to talk about movies we love that everyone else hates.  Also, more listener jokes.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Episode 0022 - Maxim's UnHot 100, Favorite Childhood TV Shows

This week, the UE crew discusses Hoda Kotb and other oddities in Maxim's annual countdown, and we take another pointless call, this one from Michigan Jones.  Also, more jokes. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Episode 0021 - Baja Blast and Iron Man 3, with TS

This week's show features discussions on Taco Bell desert options, Disney taking over Iron Man, and a round of Homemade Jokes. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode 0020 - Movie Recastings

TS is back to talk about the NFL draft, the worst shows on television, and movies that should have starred different actors.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Episode 0019 - Bad Covers, with Dave "Dirt" Schwab

This week, we break down the worst song remakes of all time so far. Also, Dave drops by to show his expertise in a round of Dave's House of Deals. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Episode 0018 - Our Worst Show Yet

Stelter is back to talk about all-time Best Picture snubs and how many Asian giant hornets a person could fight off in a round of When Hypothetical Animals Attack.  Also, he finds out that Face/off isn't as easy as it looks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Episode 0017 - Jamaica vs D'yer Mak'er, with Bopper


Guest this week is once again Bopper. We discuss some college basketball news, TL debuts his new hit single and we tell you how the 2013 Tournament of Condiments winner will be picked.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Episode 0016 - The Return of Bopper

This week Bopper is back to talk about dentists, buffets and the history of the Bosscat.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Episode 15 Listener's Supplement

Commercials we mentioned this week...oh, and the Hot Rod riot scene:
Bud Light's haunting hipster spot:
Northwestern Mutual's uninspired yawner:

Southwest Airlines inspires you...to change the channel.

Powerade's ad features underdogs that will not let you forget just how overlooked they are to the point where you would like to slap them in the face:

Episode 0015 - Obnoxious Commercials and Underrated Comedies

TS drops by once again to take a look at a couple brackets.  Later, bad ads are discussed, and under-the-radar comedies are the topic of a Countdown You Don't Care About. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Episode 0014 - Edible Eight Preview and NCAA Hoops Draft, Guest TS

Tyler Sander stops by for this week's show to talk condiments and take part in a high-stakes NCAA bracket challenge.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Episode 0013 - Bouncers and Bieber

This week's show features complaints about people with huge egos and small brains, more Condimadness, and a plea from TL.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Episode 0012 - Guest: Kyle Stelter of STU

Kyle Stelter stops by on this week's show to talk about women playing football and to help breakdown the first round of the Tournament of Condiments. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Episode 0011 - 2013 Tournament of Condiments Selection Show, Guilty Pleasure Movies

This week's show reveals the bracket for Condimadness and also covers the Walking Dead and a countdown of guilty pleasure films. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Episode 0010 - 10th Podcast, Featuring Bopper

"It's a bad deal"
You asked for him; you got him.  Bopper drops by to help celebrate UE’s 10th episode and share stories about beer, pizza, and how fast someone can eat a Werther’s hard candy. 


Tomorrow's Podcast

...with oft-requested guest Bopper will be posted shortly.  In the meantime, feel free to check out our sponsor RochelAdvocare, and consider KB Custom Countertops if you ever need cabinets, tables, bar accessories, or just about anything made of wood. (Contact info available upon request.)

Also, we mention the new Wheat Thins commercial.  You might as well check that out now:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Consider Our Sponsor

By clicking this link. The link mentioned on the podcast may or may not work, but this one does for sure, 100 percent.  We think. 

Also, here is possibly the greatest recurring opening sequence of any TV series ever, as mentioned on this week's pod:

And the best cold-open of any movie ever? Certainly the best of any bad movie.

Episode 0009 - With Apologies to Ving Rhames

On this week's podcast we discuss/attack the Grammy’s, apologize to Ving Rhames, and have another passionate round of Faceoff in which chicken may or may not have been the bone of contention. Finally, we attempt a countdown of top TV/movie theme songs, which audio-wise didn’t work all that well in this episode because of continued technical issues, but trust us, this list sounded just dynamite in our heads.   

Saturday, February 9, 2013

13 Teams that Will Help Validate Your Decision to Watch 48 or So Hours of College Basketball in a Four-Day Period This March

The NCAA Tournament is about a month away, which means that about 30 days from now you will be glued to the couch, enjoying your PTO from work while flicking through CBS, TBS, TNT and TruTV in search of the most interesting game.  But how will you know which game to land on?

Ali Farokhmanesh's shot that beat Kansas in
 the 2010 NCAA tournament was fun. More fun
things may happen in 2013 also. 
Of course, you are going to be watching the buzzer-beaters, down-to-the-wire finishes, and some other third thing that involves hyphens first—but after that, which games will provide the most entertainment?  We here at Unentertainment like to think of ourselves as a community service, and I have compiled a list of teams that should be most interesting to watch to help answer that question. 

1. Ole Miss

Let’s get an obvious one out of the way.  Marshall Henderson is the most interesting player in college basketball.  Henderson’s exploits have been well-covered by the media at this point, so I’ll just recap:  He’s been to 4 universities in 4 years, basically a result of having a near psychopathic personality—he has used cocaine and marijuana, been investigated by the FBI for using counterfeit money to attempt to purchase drugs, been suspended multiple games for punching an opposing player during a game and has gotten into verbal altercations with his own coaches.    He’s also the only white player for the Rebels to get substantial minutes and he rocks a faux-hawk.  Finally, he is responsible for one of the best .gifs ever, when he taunted the opposing student section after his free throws clinched a victory over Auburn this January:

But even if you put his antics aside, you are left with the closest thing to this year’s Jimmer Fredette/Stephen Curry.  He leads the SEC in scoring and can (and will) shoot it from anywhere. Ole Miss apparently has some other athletes on the team as well—some physical shot blockers—but you’ll be watching for number 23 first. 


2. Creighton

Not a creative pick, but it cannot be overstated how awesome it is to watch potential national player of the year Doug McDermott.  He is undersized for a post and too slow to play extensively outside, yet he excels at both, scoring at will from inside and shooting about 50% from 3-point range.  His clumsy look is exemplified by the oversized t-shirt he wears under his uniform, which makes his performances seem all the more unlikely. 


3. VCU

Weird, the Rams are good again.  Oh, and they also still run that full-court press, dubbed “havoc.”  No other team presses like them.  And that puts Virgina Commonwealth on this list.


4. South Dakota State

The St. Cloud, MN, native Wolters
is averaging 22 pts/6 reb/6 ast.
Remember when North Dakota State made the NCAAs and took Kansas to the wire courtesy of Ben Woodside?  Let’s hope SD State makes it this year, because Nate Wolters could do the same thing.  He scored 53 against IPFW earlier this week. 


5. Wisconsin *Homer Alert*


Yeah, I haven’t missed a Wisconsin game since I was, like, eight, and they would make this list regardless of what kind of team they had.  But this year’s version of Badgers basketball should actually be pretty interesting.  Known for slowing the pace of the game down and playing stingy defense, Bo Ryan’s 2013 team is no exception, and is in fact ever stouter when not in possession of the ball than usual. 

A tournament matchup against a run-and-gun team would be a lot of fun, seeing which style of play takes over (typically Bo’s).  Besides that, Wisconsin’s roster features some interesting personalities.  You would be hard-pressed to find a player that puts in more effort than Mike Brusewitz (although teammate Zac Schowalter comes close), and Jared Berggren and Sam Dekker provide an unorthodox, yet freakishly athletic presence. 

6. Wichita State *Homer Alert, Part 2*

My second homer pick also excels on the defensive end.  But even if you don’t care for defensive basketball, Carl Hall and Cleanthony Early’s offensive game are worth giving a look.  Hall is possibly the best scorer from 8 feet and in I’ve seen outside of Alando Tucker, and he’s even better on the offensive glass.  Early is a potential NBA-level talent playing for a school that hasn’t seen one since Xavier McDaniel in the early-80s.  I’m hoping their current three-game skid is an aberration, because they need redemption after their early-exit in the 2012 tournament.


7. New Mexico State

They trail Louisiana Tech in the WAC, and certainly have no shot at an at-large bid at this point, but if the Aggies manage to win the conference tournament, they should create a fun second-round game—even if they are unlikely to win it.  The reason they make this list is freshman center Sim Bhullar, who is listed at 7’5’’ 360 lbs, and looks every bit of it.  He isn’t quite as interesting to watch as NC-Ashville's Kenny George was in the late 2000's, but Bhullar actually has had more of an impact, averaging about 10 points and 5 rebounds while logging 20 minutes a game.  Also, human beings shouldn’t be able to do things like George did, anyway:


8. Ohio State

I don’t really like the Buckeyes, personally speaking, but if I can put that feeling aside, I have to admit they’ve got a fun thing going.  Mainly, it is because, while their defense (starring Aaron Craft)  is very good, they have basically one decent offensive player and nobody else I would have any confidence in on that end of the floor.  Fortunately, that player is Deshaun Thomas, who is huge, but has finesse. And the lefty can shoot a little bit also.  One-man shows are always interesting in March, and that is exactly what Ohio State is at the moment. 


9. Davidson

The Wildcats lead the Southern conference and should make the NCAA’s via auto-bid.  If they do, they will once again bring a unique, European-style team-ball to the dance, which could pose a problem for a higher seed they will face in the second round. 

(By the way, can we call the second round the first round already?  The First Four should not count as “round one” when it is four games among teams that will have no effect on the Final Four whatsoever (VCU notwithstanding).  Call that the play-in round.  Sheesh.)
Cohen in the post

From an individual standpoint, I’ll be watching Jake Cohen.  The senior forward is undersized in the post, but can do a little bit of everything, and is the epitome of how good a glue-guy can be. 


10. Air Force


There is a decent chance the Academy doesn’t make the NCAA’s at all, but if they do, this would be a potentially fun team to cheer for in a 12-5 upset.  They have no real impressive size or athleticism, but seemingly everyone on the roster can hit three-pointers. If they get hot, the Falcons could be that double-digit seed that makes a run to the Sweet 16. 

11. Indiana State

Odum looks like Wisconsin's Josh Gasser
and may be a better distributer.
The Fighting Trees made the NCAA’s courtesy of a MVC tourney championship two years ago, and didn’t put up a great fight against Syracuse.  I’m not sure we can expect the Sycamores to win a game this year either (if they even make the dance), but they will remain interesting, as point guard Jake Odum is willing to try just about any pass at any time regardless of how big the passing window is.  It would be difficult to find a more interesting guard who isn’t a huge threat as a scorer.


12. Indiana


The Hoosiers have a sweet mix of athletes, and Christian Watford, Cody Zeller, and Victor Oladipo are all a treat to watch.  But the guy I really enjoy is Jordan Hulls, who can shoot it from anywhere with a lightning-quick trigger.  It’s cool when the shortest, most un-athletic guy on a likely one-seed is arguably the most dangerous. 

13. Bucknell

Bucknell could conceivably get in even should they bow out of their conference tournament early, but I don’t think that will come into play.  The Bison rarely make an appearance on television, so we don’t really get to see center Mike Muscala play that often.  Which is too bad, because the senior is averaging 19 points and 11 boards.  Also he is from Roseville, Minnesota, so it’s fun to see what the Gophers missed out on to a tiny Patriot League school by not successfully recruiting their own metro area.